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House Democrats Reveal Health Care Bill: Second Verse, Same as the First

October 29, 2009

CAMP: “Americans’ health care is too important and too complex to risk on one gigantic bill that has been written behind closed doors.”
Washington, DC – Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today released the following quote in reaction to the Democrats finally revealing details of their health care bill, after nearly three months of closed door meetings.

“Americans’ health care is too important and too complex to risk on one gigantic bill that has been written behind closed doors.  While we still need to look at every detail, the end impact of this bill appears to be the same.  Under the latest version of Democrats’ trillion dollar government takeover of health care, working families will still face higher taxes and higher health care premiums, millions of Americans will lose their current health plan, and seniors will bear the burden of one-half trillion dollars in Medicare cuts that will lead to fewer benefits and fewer doctors and hospitals to treat them.”
