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House Passes Short-Term Highway Extension

May 19, 2015

WASHINGTON — Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2353, the Highway and Transportation Funding Act. Upon passage, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following statement.

“The highway trust fund has enough money to pay for projects through the end of July, but its legal authority to spend that money expires at the end of this month. I would have preferred to pass an extension that lasted through the end of the year, but we just couldn’t come to a bipartisan agreement on how to pay for it. That’s unfortunate because the more time we spend on these short-term patches, the less time we’ll have to find a long-term solution.

“And ultimately, the only real solution is a long-term solution. At the very least, this legislation will allow the trust fund to continue to fund projects through July, while we continue to work on an extension for the rest of the year. But if we really want to solve this problem, both parties need to confront the serious challenges facing the trust fund. That’s the only way we’ll come up with a plan to give states the certainty they need to build the roads and bridges our families need to thrive.”