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ICYMI | Stephen Moore, Adam Brandon: Senate GOP Must Seize Opportunity to Expand Trump Tax Cuts

April 25, 2024

“Passing the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act would vastly improve Republicans’ bargaining position going into the fight over the future of the Trump tax cuts.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress can more successfully build on the Trump tax cuts and secure conservative, pro-growth policy wins in 2025 with passage of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Actwrite Stephen Moore of the Heritage Foundation and Adam Brandon, president of FreedomWorks, in Real Clear Politics:

“President Joe Biden came into office promising to repeal President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – a law that turbocharged American job growth and U.S. national competitiveness. In the first two years of the Biden administration, there was a chance that the president could have succeeded in undermining the law.

Yet, today, as Biden finishes his term, the Trump tax cuts are not only still standing but may be strengthened.

“That is, if Senate Republicans seize the opportunity before them.”

Passing the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act would give Republican negotiators an advantage in 2025:

“While Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo and some colleagues have raised objections about provisions of the bill that would expand the Child Tax Credit, Crapo and other GOP senators need to keep sight of the significance of this measure in a larger fight.

Passing the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act would vastly improve Republicans’ bargaining position going into the fight over the future of the Trump tax cuts.

“And right now, advocates for job growth and competitiveness must be prepared for this fight.”

Senate Republicans are abandoning successful, pro-growth, conservative economic policies if they fail to act:

“Conservative Republicans have every reason to support the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act…Over 40 conservative and free-market organizations have urged lawmakers to pass the pro-growth legislation. Other organizations and leaders from across the conservative movement have strongly backed the bill. At the same time, far-left Democrats including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) have railed against the legislation.

If GOP senators want to save their signature economic success of the past decade, they must get to yes on this tax reform.”

Read the op-ed here.