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IRS: “Wherever we can, we follow the law”

September 10, 2014

Today, IRS Commissioner Koskinen painted a clear picture of how the IRS plans on “overseeing” billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies.  When asked by Health Subcommittee Chairman Brady if the IRS would be following the law and collecting taxpayer dollars that went to people who were not eligible, Koskinen simply said, “Wherever we can, we follow the law.”

This is just another part of a dangerous trend of the IRS ignoring the law, and pursuing policies whenever, and however, it sees fit.  While the agency certainly doesn’t afford hardworking taxpayers such a casual adherence to tax laws, it has a long history of not following the law:  

•    The IRS didn’t follow the law when they targeted conservatives groups for their beliefs.

•    The IRS didn’t follow the law when they demanded information about the content of prayers.

•    The IRS didn’t follow the law when they handed out subsidies to states in the federal health care

•    The IRS didn’t follow the law when they leaked confidential taxpayer information.
