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#LASTSOTU // Go Growth or Go Home

January 11, 2016

On January 12th, President Obama will come before Congress and the American people for his final State of the Union address. CNN reports that the President will “deliver a ‘non-traditional’ speech to the American people that focuses on his vision for the country, rather than a long list of legislative priorities.”

After seven years of the Obama Administration, the American people have a very clear understanding of the President’s vision and it doesn’t match their priorities. President Obama has squandered his previous State of the Union speeches by pushing partisan policies most Americans don’t support and that rarely see the light of day in Congress. Instead of using these addresses to unveil fresh policy ideas that will deliver growth and opportunity, he’s remained fixated on proposals that divide our country.

Tuesday, the President has a final opportunity to offer a positive vision that all Americans can support. It’s time for President Obama to either go growth – or go home.

In his final State of the Union Address, the President should finally embrace a pro-growth agenda that:

  • Reforms our broken tax code…so job creators can grow and increase jobs and wages.
  • Strengthens our entitlement programs…so they will be there for future generations.
  • Cuts Washington red tape …so our economy can thrive and grow.
  • Promotes trade and American goods…so our workers can win in the global market.
  • Reforms welfare…so more people can achieve the American dream.
  • Repeals Obamacare’s burdensome mandates…so people can actually have choices for their doctors and their insurance.

Like every other year of this Administration, the American people want to hear the President talk about jobs and wage growth – not guns and GITMO.  Regardless of the President’s remarks, Ways and Means Republicans will move forward with a positive, pro-growth agenda that will strengthen our economy and help more Americans get back to work.