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Less Than a Dime of Every Dollar in Biden’s COVID Spending Went to Fighting COVID

January 10, 2022

While Democrats and President Biden attempt to spend even more towards their disorganized COVID plan, American taxpayers deserve to know where the rest of the money went:

“[A] mere $351.4 billion of the $5.4 trillion authorized by Congress to fight the pandemic, or less than one dollar in 10, was directed to health care.


“Even more appalling: the government has only spent $192 billion of the roughly $303 billion directed to health care, including testing, leaving $111 billion.”


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  • The $2 trillion in funding in the Biden Administration’s so-called COVID “rescue” bill allocated less than 9 percent to combatting the virus, with the remaining 91 percent spending hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out state governments, and build bike trails, new high school weight rooms, apartment buildings, and golf courses. 
  • Democrats demand greater spending, yet states have already received more federal child-care money than they know what to do with. According to data from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 20 states reported they were unable to use at least 50 percent of COVID child care funds last March.
  • The almost half a trillion dollars in funds remaining from the $2 trillion in so-called “COVID-relief” enacted in March 2021 should be first used to boost mitigation efforts before asking American taxpayers for more money.
  • The Biden Administration has ignored multiple requests for more transparency and accountability on spending from Ranking Members of the House Budget Committee, House Energy & Commerce Committee, House Oversight and Reform Committee, and House Homeland Security Committee.