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HEARING: Bipartisan Members Commit to Working Together to Strengthen Medicare for America’s Seniors

May 11, 2016

Today, Ways and Means Health Subcommittee members hosted Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt to discuss the Administration’s plan for implementing the bipartisan Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). Signed into law last year, MACRA reformed how doctors are reimbursed for treating Medicare patients – marking an historic shift toward a high-quality, value-based health care system.

At the hearing, members and Mr. Slavitt discussed the first implementation regulation, which CMS proposed last month, and how the Administration can strengthen the rule before it is finalized this summer. On both sides of the aisle, members reiterated their commitment to working with each other, working with stakeholders, and working with CMS to ensure America’s seniors receive the high-quality care they deserve.

As Chairman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) said:

“This legislation finally put an end to the sustainable growth rate so that doctors could focus on patient care – not worry about unpredictable payments …

“Working on a bipartisan basis, with stakeholders from every corner of America and an open dialogue and cooperation from CMS, will allow us to follow MACRA into the next generation of value-based health care.”

As Ranking Member Jim McDermott (D-WA) said:

“Thanks to MACRA, we have set Medicare on a more sustainable course that will allow us to pay for value in health care, rather than volume.

“I am confident that the administration will continue to be responsive to the needs of the public as it develops the final rule. This is an ongoing conversation. We still have more to learn as we work toward our shared goal of making the implementation of this landmark law a success.”

For more information about today’s hearing, click here.