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New York Post: With Economy on the Mend, America Doesn’t Need Biden’s Irresponsible $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

April 12, 2021

The economy is on the mend, but the Biden Administration doesn’t want you to know that, according to an editorial by the New York Post.

The newspaper’s editorial board writes that the Biden Administration and top Democrats are ignoring March’s explosive jobs report, because doing so would get in the way of their $2 trillion tax hikes masking as responsible infrastructure reform.

As Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady has said, Republican tax reform brought unemployment down to a 50-year low of 3.5 percent and created 6 million new jobs. Lowering the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent made America more internationally competitive.

Biden’s $2 trillion tax hikes will reverse this trend and send good-paying American jobs overseas.

Key excerpts appear below, or click here for the full editorial.

New York Post: Joe Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure package is totally unnecessary

  • Job growth exploded in March, with 916,000 nonfarm positions added, far outpacing projections.”
  • President Biden never mentioned it. And when Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said economic projections looked great, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi quickly contradicted him.”
  • This bill isn’t about creating jobs. It’s about paying off Democratic voters, transferring taxpayer money into union coffers, and having the government decide what gets spent where.”
  • “Moody’s Analytics says the economy will add 16.3 million jobs without the ‘infrastructure’ bill. Pass it, and you add 2.7 million more — at a cost of $852,000 per job!”