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NOW HIRING: Record 8.1 Million Job Openings Show Employers Struggling to Hire

May 11, 2021

The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) report released today reaffirms what we’ve been saying for monthsDemocrats’ expanded taxpayer-funded unemployment benefits are crushing Main Street’s hiring efforts.


Despite a booming economic recovery, multiple available vaccines, and a record 8.1 million job openings – Democrats are paying 4 in 10 unemployed Americans more to stay home than to return to the workforce.


President Biden has falsely claimed that unemployment benefits are not keeping people from going back to work. But we know that the numbers don’t lie.



  • The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) reports that nearly half – 44 percent – of small businesses can’t fill the job openings they have.
  • Real average wages have increased by 3.9 percent from March 2020 to March 2021, but job creators just can’t compete with Democrats’ expanded unemployment benefits.
  • Job creators are practically begging people to return to the workforce with added incentives—increasing the prices they charge to customers on a budget.
  • Americans who made less than $32,000 a year before the pandemic are better off financially in the near term to stay on the sidelines and collect taxpayer-funded unemployment benefits.
  • More and more states are opting out of federal unemployment benefit programs because their economies can’t recover when Main Street can’t find workers.