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NUNES: Dems Abandoned Bipartisan Efforts on Greater Nursing Home Transparency

September 10, 2021

After ignoring Republicans’ repeated calls for hearings to examine nursing homes death related to COVID-19, Democrats rushed to include purely partisan transparency provisions in their $3.5 trillion spending monstrosity, noted top Republican on the Health Subcommittee Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA).


Rep. Nunes said:


“For the second time this year, we are witnessing the majority take a partisan path in order to compel mandatory funding for programs that should go through the annual appropriations process. 


“I am disappointed that our Democrat colleagues have decided to abandon all bipartisan work on this issue.


“If Democrats heeded our calls on nursing home transparency and accountability sooner, maybe there wouldn’t be a desperate rush to shove these requirements into a partisan monstrosity.”


CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Nunes’ remarks.


CLICK HERE to watch the full hearing.



  • Ways and Means Republicans sent a letter to the Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra urging transparency in the COVID-19 related nursing home data from nursing homes across the country. Democrats ignored repeated requests for hearings.
  • In the meantime, Democrats are ramming through trillions of wasteful spending and crippling tax hikes with not one dime to defeat COVID – as Rep. Brady (R-TX) noted in his opener on the first day of the hearing.


READ: Probe into Missing Nursing Home COVID Death Data Focuses on NY, PA, and Other States


Rep. Nunes opening remarks as prepared for delivery appear below.


Mr. Chairman, I will make this brief.


We could have worked on a bipartisan basis to improve reporting at skilled nursing homes. In fact, during this pandemic, House Republicans have continually raised concerns that states like New York and Pennsylvania systematically reported false information about COVID-related nursing home deaths—not only to the families who have lost loved ones living in their state, but to the rest of the country. They have engaged in this cover-up for purely political purposes.


The provisions before us today would advance our shared goal to ensure information from nursing homes is reported accurately and that the federal government holds states accountable for any inaccuracies. I wish my colleagues on the other side of the aisle had held governors in their home states to this same standard from the pandemic’s outset. We will give them that opportunity today.


For the second time this year, we are witnessing the majority take a partisan path in order to compel mandatory funding for programs that should go through the annual appropriations process. I am disappointed that our Democrat colleagues have decided to abandon all bipartisan work on this issue. If Democrats heeded our calls on nursing home transparency and accountability sooner, maybe there wouldn’t be a desperate rush to shove these requirements into a partisan monstrosity.


Thank you, and I yield back.