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Obama Administration Continues to Miss Deadlines and Mislead the American Public about ObamaCare

July 03, 2013

The Obama Administration has made promise after promise that ObamaCare will be ready on October 1.  However, with last night’s blog posting by the Treasury Department announcing the delay of the employer mandate until 2015, the Administration has admitted once again that a key feature of their law is either unaffordable, unworkable – or both.

What a difference a few weeks make?


April 12, 2013, Ways and Means Hearing on the President’s 2014 Budget

Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX): So you can assure this committee there will be no further deadlines missed, no further delays in the implementation of the exchanges?

Sec. Sebelius: We are on track to meet the October 1st deadline.

June 7, 2013, San Jose, California

President Obama: “Since everybody’s been saying how it’s not going to happen, I think it’s important for us to recognize and acknowledge this is working the way it’s supposed to.”


July 2, 2013, Treasury Blog Post “Continuing to Implement the ACA in a Careful, Thoughtful Manner”

“We have heard concerns about the complexity of the requirements and the need for more time to implement them effectively.…

“Accordingly, we are extending this transition relief to the employer shared responsibility payments.  These payments will not apply for 2014.  Any employer shared responsibility payments will not apply until 2015.”

The Future?

July 2, 2013, IRS Blog Post “Continuing to Implement the ACA in a Careful, Thoughtful Manner”

“Also, our actions today do not affect employees’ access to the premium tax credits available under the ACA (nor any other provision of the ACA).”

For now.  With so many broken promises, delays and revisions related to the law, you have to ask – what will tomorrow bring?
