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ObamaCare Results in 30,000 New Yorkers Losing their Current Health Benefits

November 29, 2010

A New York Service Employees International Union (SEIU)-affiliate recently announced they are dropping health care coverage for the children of more than 30,000 home health care workers, in part because of the new mandates contained in the Democrats’ health care overhaul.  Mitra Behroozi, Executive Director of benefit and pension funds for the plan, 1199SEIU, stated that, “[N]ew federal health-care reform legislation requires plans with dependent coverage to expand that coverage up to age 26.  Our limited resources are already stretched as far as possible, and meeting this new requirement would be financially impossible.”   All told, 6,000 children will lose their current health coverage because of this new mandate and ObamaCare’s failure to address rising health care costs.

Despite erroneous claims by Congressional Democrats, ObamaCare did nothing to reduce the cost of health insurance and instead will, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), make health insurance more expensive for millions of Americans.   Under the Republican health reform proposal, which included both similar protections for dependent children and important cost-saving reforms, premiums for millions of families would be more than $3,000 less per year than under ObamaCare.  That is why ObamaCare must be repealed and replaced with commonsense reforms that actually make health care coverage more affordable.
