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Paycheck Increases Can’t Keep Up with Bidenflation

March 24, 2022

For the past year, even with paychecks increasing, workers have earned less and paid more for everything from rent to gas for their car, according to a new analysis by the Urban Institute.

In fact, American workers have seen the largest decline in real wages since the data began being reported.

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

  • Prices are rising the fastest in 40 years with inflation reaching 7.9 percent in February.
  • More likely to rent a house or commute by car, low-income Ameircans are hurt disproportionately by inflation.

READ: POLL: Minority Americans Suffer the Most Under Bidenflation

  • Democrats’ $2 trillion so-called COVID stimulus already boosted inflation, and with more government spending on the table, even Democrats are starting to worry inflation will get worse.

READ: ALERT: Even Democrats Worry More Government Spending Will Worsen Inflation

  • Higher costs are being passed onto American families at every turn and a drop in real wages has the U.S. economy on the brink of, or already in, a wage-price spiral, driving inflation even higher.

Instead of pinning the blame for higher prices on everyone from Russia to corporations, Democrats should stop making it worse by abandoning their plans for even more spending and crippling tax hikes, and work with Republicans to address the worker shortage and get the economy on track.