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POLL: Biden-Flation Forces Majority of Families to Cut Back on Necessities

October 18, 2022

With Biden-Flation decimating more than half of U.S. workers’ wages, it’s no wonder more than 70 percent of families say they’ve been forced to cut back on basic necessities. 

A recent poll found that nearly 90 percent of independents believe President Biden’s cruel economy is getting worse, while more than half believe they’re worse off. 

The poll also found:

  • Families are falling behind: Only 15 percent of families believe they’re better off now compared to two years ago, with more than two thirds unable to afford basic necessities.
  • The country is headed in the wrong direction: While more than two thirds of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the country, nearly 90 percent of independents believe the economy is only getting worse.
  • Americans have lost confidence in President Biden: At least 67 percent of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation.

CLICK HERE to view the poll.