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Poll: Blaming Biden-Flation, Majority of Americans Are Pessimistic About Economy

June 06, 2022

As inflation continues to climb at the worst levels in four decades, Americans are deeply pessimistic about the U.S. economy, according to a recent survey from the Wall Street Journal.

At least 83 percent of Americans described their view of the U.S. economy negatively–and by other measures, Americans are experiencing levels of economic dissatisfaction not seen in years. For only the second time in a half century, more than three in 10 respondents said their financial situation was worse off.

Just last week, the White House attempted to rework their messaging on inflation to regain Americans’ confidence. Yet, their “new plan,” demonstrates Democrats are out of touch with the challenges American families face by doubling down on crippling tax hikes and more inflationary spending. 

READ: President Biden Doesn’t Have a Plan to Fight Inflation


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