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President Delivers Support to Patients in COVID-19 Hot Spots and Rural Areas

May 01, 2020

Key points:

-The Administration announced today the President is targeting billions in funds toward two critical groups of providers: those in “hot spots” and those in rural communities.

-By targeting these health care heroes, the President and his team are bringing needed funds to pockets of the country that need it most, helping to keep hospital doors open and preserving access to care for patients.


In a call to lawmakers and staff, Administration officials outlined two tranches of funds that will go directly to patients and providers who have been hit the hardest by COVID-19:

  • $12 billion is going toward 395 hospitals who have seen 70 percent of all U.S. coronavirus cases
  • $10 billion in direct deposits to rural providers based on operating expenses – reaching 2,200 rural acute care general hospitals and critical access hospitals, over 1,300 independent rural health clinics, and over 4,200 community health centers located in rural areas.

These funds build on the President’s efforts to support medical providers as we continue to apply maximum pressure on the coronavirus. Yesterday, CMS issued another round of regulatory relief today to speed up medical care for America’s seniors. And, following requests from Ways and Means Republican Members, Treasury clarified that some hospitals owned by governmental entities may be eligible for a loan from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to keep their workers on the payroll.

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.

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