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Pro-Life Conservative Leaders Call on Senate to Pass Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act

March 06, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Conservative thought leaders, including former elected officials like Speaker Newt Gingrich and Governor Mike Huckabee, alongside pro-life, pro-family organizations are urging the Senate to pass the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act (H.R. 7024) to “provide common-sense tax relief to families who need it most, while also encouraging economic growth by incentivizing investment and job creation in the private sector.”

In a letter, led by Concerned Women for America, the conservative leaders note that the legislation is strongly pro-life, writing “The CTC provisions in question provide a common-sense way to provide targeted pro-life tax relief to point of greatest need.

The tax relief package supports working parents hurt by high prices and helps parents in the critical months after the birth of their child:
“Perhaps most important, H.R. 7024 is pro-child and pro-parent. It is universally understood that growing costs fueled by out-of-control inflation have strained family budgets, especially for younger, larger families. The current Child Tax Credit (CTC) weakens over time as a result of inflation, and as families grow in size. H.R. 7024 addresses each of these problems by tacking the CTC to inflation and eliminating the penalty for having more than one child…The bill before you is also decidedly pro-life. So often, the one thing needed to take that step of courage is a glimmer of hope that there is a way to provide for that child. One of the most financially challenging times in a family’s development is pregnancy and the first few months of a baby’s life…The CTC provisions in question provide a common-sense way to provide targeted pro-life tax relief to point of greatest need.”

The legislation is pro-work by maintaining the structure of the 2017 Trump tax reform and rejecting Democrats’ anti-work Child Tax Credit from the “American Rescue Plan”:
“Finally, H.R. 7024 will encourage workforce participation and support a family’s climb up the economic ladder. By preserving the structure of the Trump-era tax cuts rather than changes advanced by the American Rescue Plan, the CTC will both support working families at their place of greatest need and encourage those same families to be robust participants in the workforce.”

The Senate should advance this conservative legislation because it supports families and advances the pro-life cause:

This is what conservative legislation should look like. While the House-passed language does not reflect the entirety of any single stakeholder’s policy preferences, its totality enhances liberty, embraces the inherent value of every life and every child, strengthens the family unit, and promotes economic flourishing. We urge the U.S. Senate to come together and take this important step forward.”

READ: Pro-Life, Pro-Family Organizations: Tax Relief for American Families & Workers Act Promotes Life, Supports Parents

READ: Correcting the Record: Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act Incentivizes Work, Maintains Trump Tax Cuts Work Requirements 

READ: What They Are Saying: Faith, Family, and Pro-Life Groups Speak Out in Support of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act

READ: Biden’s So-Called Stimulus Got It Wrong: Families Need Pro-Work, Pro-Family Trump Child Tax Credit