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Promises Made, Promises Broken Democrats’ ObamaCare Jobs Promises Keep on Crumbling

June 06, 2013


Then-Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) sold the Democrats’ health care law on the promise that “it’s all about jobs” and followed up saying, “The healthcare bill was part of a jobs bill….  Healthcare jobs are the fastest growing element of jobs in our country.”


Today, a new report from Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. highlights another broken promise from the Democrats’ law, citing that layoffs in the health care sector are up 71 percent compared to last year:
“The heaviest job-cutting last month occurred in the health care sector, where 4,886 job cuts were tracked.  That was up slightly from 4,268 health care job cuts in April and more than double the 2,353 announced in May 2012.  Overall, layoffs in health care are up 71 percent in 2013 to 20,867, compared to 12,177 in the first five months of 2012.”
