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Reed, Local Leaders Call Out Cuomo For Hoarding CARES Relief Funds to Child Care Facilities

June 16, 2020

Despite receiving nearly $5.1 billion for New York state as part of the CARES Act, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York has failed to distribute federal funds as Congress intended. The funds being withheld include $164 million in Child Care Development Block Grants and billions in direct aid for state and local governments.

These funds were meant to be distributed to city, county, and rural communities to help with the economic and health challenges presented by COVID-19, but many rural communities are still not receiving them.

Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), a senior Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, led a letter to Mr. Cuomo stating that it is the governor’s responsibility “to distribute” these funds “fairly.”

“If these funds are not delivered, it is not just the governments themselves that will be impacted – but the constituents in these areas will suffer life threatening consequences as a result,” Rep. Reed said.

Reports surfaced recently that found 32 states were not sharing CARES relief funds with cities and rural communities. Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady introduced legislation saying this was unacceptable and against congressional intent. His legislation calls for these states to submit a plan to the federal government that certifies how the state will distribute the funds in accordance with congressional intent.

House Republicans are holding these state leaders accountable for their inaction. In Michigan, Illinois, and Kansas, House Republicans are demanding governors follow congressional intent and gives these relief funds to the communities that need them most.

Click here to learn more about states who are withholding COVID relief funding from most rural governments, defying congressional intent.

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.

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