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Report Finds U.S. Experienced Worst Jobs Recovery Ever While EUC Paid Out Record Levels of Benefits

August 29, 2014

Washington, DC – Today, on the eve of Labor Day weekend, the House Ways and Means Committee released a report on the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program, which expired in December 2013, and its impact on job growth.  The report finds that job growth weakened while EUC paid out record levels of benefits, but has strengthened since EUC expired.  This year marks the first Labor Day since 2007 that the federal government is not operating the EUC program.

This report reviews the EUC program from several perspectives, including:

1. How EUC compares with prior federal unemployment benefit programs;
2. How EUC affected employment while it operated;
3. How employment changed following EUC’s expiration; and
4. Lessons for future policymakers based on the EUC experience.

The full report can be read here.
