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REPORT: May Set New Record-High for Unfilled Job Openings in Fourth Consecutive Month

June 04, 2021

With Main Street businesses desperate to rehire their employees, and far too many Americans left on the sidelines, President Biden is breaking the Obama-Biden record for leading the worst economic recovery in history.


May marked the fourth consecutive month setting a record-high reading for unfilled job openings, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) reports.


NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg said, “Small business owners are struggling at record levels trying to get workers back in open positions. Owners are offering higher wages to try to remedy the labor shortage problem. Ultimately, higher labor costs are being passed to customers in higher selling prices.”




To help American families, Democrats’ emergency spending must end.

  • The average family of four with both parents out of work will receive at least $109,000 in federal government assistance through September of this year.
  • The time for COVID relief is over. To help American families, we need to focus on connecting workers with job openings.


NEW: ANALYSIS: Family of 4 Getting $109,048 in COVID Government Checks Already Approved by Congress


Democrats are crushing Main Street’s hiring efforts. 

  • May’s jobs report fell well short of expectations. Nearly half of small businesses — a record 48 percent — had unfilled job openings in May.
  • The New York Times pointed out that at this rate, it will take at least 14 months to return to pre-pandemic employment levels, and even longer to return to the pre-pandemic employment growth trend.


READ: Another Biden Jobs Report Falls Well Short of Expectations


Democrats’ War on Work is sabotaging our recovery.

  • Democrats’ War on Work has spurred half of the country’s states to cut off expanded unemployment benefits in an effort to protect their economic recovery.
  • Biden admitted himself that “It makes sense” that ending enhanced unemployment expires in September. What he won’t admit is that it makes sense to have them end today, because prolonged unemployment benefits are keeping Americans on the sidelines.


READ: NOW HIRING: Record 8.1 Million Job Openings Show Employers Struggling to Hire


CLICK HERE to read the full NFIB jobs report.