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Roskam Blasts DOJ Decision on Lerner Contempt Charges

April 01, 2015

WASHINGTON Today, Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-IL) issued the following statement on the Department of Justices announcement that it would not move forward with a criminalcontempt prosecution of Lois Lerner, the former head of the IRSs Exempt Organizations Division:

“Todays announcement surprises no one. It has long been clear that this administration has no interest in providing accountability for the innocent Americans who had their civil liberties violated by the IRS. This is why the House also called on the attorney general to appoint an independent special counsel to investigate this targeting. Justices decision not to prosecute Mrs. Lerner for her refusal to engage with Congress in no way clears her of wrongdoing. The evidence thus far indicates that Mrs. Lerner pursued an inappropriate and abusive agenda against American citizens using the power and authority of the IRS to target those with whom she disagreed. We will continue to investigate all of the facts, hold her accountable for any criminal wrongdoing to which she was a party, and make commonsense reforms at the IRS to restore trust and ensure that there is no Lois Lerner 2.0.” 
