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Round II: What They’re Saying About the Pro-Growth Tax Reform Blueprint

June 29, 2016

Last week, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Speaker Paul Ryan and other House Republicans to unveil “A Better Way for Tax Reform.”

As Chairman Brady said when he unveiled the Blueprint:

“House Republicans believe it’s time for change. It’s time, America, to let your voice be heard … if you want America to be the strongest economy on earth for you and your children, it’s time to speak up.” 

Over the past week, Americans across the country have spoken up and expressed strong support for this Blueprint. Here are even more positive reviews:

Tax expert Ryan Ellis in Forbes
“The plan is, as the report boldly proclaims, ‘Built for Growth.’ But it wisely does so in a way that doesn’t forget middle class working families struggling to get by, and in a way that passes a basic test of common sense and practicality. … Rarely has a tax plan been this laser focused on getting every last drop out of potential economic growth, capital formation, and job creation.”

National Taxpayers Union
“This plan would benefit taxpayers across the economic spectrum. It would help lower-income Americans move up the economic ladder while allowing other households to keep more of their earnings and safeguard their financial futures.”

Charleston Gazette-Mail
“Pro-growth, as in to help businesses grow and increase the number of jobs in the United States instead of punishing investors and driving jobs overseas like the current U.S. tax code does.Three cheers for everyone involved in developing a fairer, simpler, better U.S. tax code. It can’t be changed soon enough.

RATE Coalition
“We in the RATE Coalition are pleased to see that the House GOP’s Tax Reform Blueprint includes a reduction in the corporate rate. This is a necessary cornerstone of any serious tax reform plan and will go a long way to improving the American economy and making American businesses more competitive in the world.”

American Action Forum
“Tax reform is about accepting constraints and making tradeoffs to operate within those constraints both and budgetary and economic. The House task force on tax reform released a tax reform proposal on Friday that meets this standard – it makes some tough choices, and arrives at a sound approach to reforming the tax code.”

Investor’s Business Daily
“For many years, most new jobs in America have been created by [‘pass through’ entities]. Republican tax reform would enact a new maximum small business tax rate of 25%, sparking explosive small business job expansion.”

Alliance for Competitive Taxation
“The U.S. desperately needs a simpler, fairer, and more competitive tax system and this blueprint includes important new ideas for developing a tax reform plan that is good for our economy, workers and businesses – small and large.” 

Job Creators Network
“The plan’s proposals to significantly reduce and simplify taxes would allow small businesses to focus on what they do best: providing the products and services that make everyone’s lives better and providing good jobs that are the backbone of the American economy.”

Wall Street Journal
“By repealing and consolidating various tax breaks, the Republican tax plan would be simpler than the status quo. For starters, repealing the alternative minimum tax would stop people from having to calculate their tax liability twice.”

Heritage Action for America
“The Task Force’s plan identifies and addresses the key problems in our tax code — moving towards a consumption-based system by reducing double taxation on American families’ savings and investments … and instituting a territorial system for international businesses, all while lowering rates across the board.”

American Farm Bureau Federation
“Farm Bureau is very pleased to see the plan includes several very important features for farmers and ranchers including full expensing, exclusions for capital gains and repeal of the estate tax.” 

CLICK HERE to read the full Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to share your thoughts on the Tax Reform Blueprint.