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R’s and D’s Agree: America’s Manufacturers Need USMCA

July 19, 2019

After years of stagnation, manufacturing in the United States is once again booming.

Armed with a new, modern tax code, American manufacturers are expanding and producing like never before.

  • Manufacturers are today growing jobs six times faster than they were during the Obama administration.
  • Manufacturer optimism reached a record high in 2018.
  • Wages are rising for blue-collar workers at a higher pace than for high-income earners, which is incredibly important for factory workers.

For this growth to continue, Congress must pass the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) without delay.  This new trade deal is a win for American factories and their workers.

Canada and Mexico are our biggest trading partners – by a long shot.  In fact, our southern and northern neighbors purchase more “Made-in-America” goods than our next 10 biggest trading partners combined.

46 out of 50 states count on Canada or Mexico as their first- or second-largest foreign customer, and more than 2 million American manufacturing jobs are supported by these trading relationships.

Republicans and Democrats agree: Our manufacturers cannot afford the cost of delay on USMCA.

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, and Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) spoke to members of the National Association of Manufactures this week at their “Trade Makes America” event.

Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) met with manufacturers from Arizona in his Washington, D.C. office.

Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) met with Hoosier manufacturers from Steel Warehouse, a South Bend based company, about how USMCA will continue to help them sell their American steel products globally.

Rep. George Holding (R-NC) wrote in the North State Journal:

“North Carolina’s robust manufacturing industry also stands to gain from USMCA. Last year our manufacturers sold over $10 billion in goods to Canada and Mexico, accounting for nearly one-third of our state’s total manufacturing exports. USMCA contains a host of provisions that will sustain this commerce and help our businesses grow and compete globally. The agreement also includes new worker protections that will level the playing field and ensure our jobs are not shipped overseas.”

Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-GA) wrote in the GeogiaPol:

“The USMCA maintains duty-free access for Third District products in both Mexico and Canada. As the United States’ largest foreign purchasers of manufactured goods, ensuring open access to Canadian and Mexican markets is vitally important to the continued success of American job creators.”

Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS) wrote in The Hill:

“Exports of manufactured goods to Canada and Mexico account for more than 2 million jobs across the country. As the representative of Wichita, Kan. – the Air Capital of the World – I’ve seen firsthand just how important it is that our manufacturers have access to global markets. Transportation equipment exports accounted for $2.7 billion last year, and the growth in manufactured goods exports from Kansas grew 8.51 percent from 2010 to 2018. In addition, Kansas’ aerospace exports to Canada and Mexico have increased by more than 20 percent over the last decade, helping grow the total value of manufactured goods exported from Kansas to Canada and Mexico to $3.2 billion in 2018. Kansans, as well as Americans from across the country, are manufacturing products the world needs.”

Ziad Alaywan, president and CEO of ZGlobal Power Engineering & Energy Solutions, wrote in the Times of San Diego:

“For California, the tech sector is one of our most dynamic industries, fueling modern manufacturing and putting our state at the forefront of innovation and energy efficiency. And each of these tech companies, including manufacturers, relies on a strong digital economy and IP protections to optimize production and the supply chain—leading to more robust productivity, higher quality jobs, a cleaner environment, and more employment opportunities.”

Chuck Hadden, president and CEO of the Michigan Manufacturers Association, wrote in The Detroit News:

“For Michigan manufacturers, access to rules-based, tariff-free global trade is imperative to the economic prosperity and the livelihoods of more than 634,600 workers across the state. As manufacturing is one of our top industry employers, ensuring the ability for manufacturers to sell more of what they make to more consumers around the world is paramount.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about USMCA and why American manufacturers cannot afford the cost of delay.