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Smith Sets Sights on Aggressive IRS Oversight, Announces Direct Line of Communication for Agency Whistleblowers

January 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Ways and Means Committee, under a new Republican majority, has established an online form to assist Internal Revenue Service (IRS) personnel who wish to submit information confidentially to the Committee regarding any inappropriate behavior or mishandling of taxpayer information at the agency, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) announced today. As part of today’s announcement, Chairman Smith also sent a letter to Acting IRS Commissioner Douglas O’Donnell and all IRS employees informing them of the creation of this direct line of communication between agency personnel and the Committee.

“The IRS has a disturbing track record of violating the trust of the American taxpayer – whether it’s leaking confidential taxpayer information, targeting Americans for their political beliefs, or just failing to perform its most basic customer service responsibilities,” said Ways and Means Committee Chairman Smith. “Unfortunately, it has become clear that relying on the IRS to be forthcoming about its failures or outright abuses of taxpayer confidence is insufficient to ensure much needed, aggressive oversight of the agency. The American people are demanding accountability, and they deserve answers. By providing IRS personnel with a safe, secure, and confidential way to provide information that might be vital to protecting taxpayers, the Ways and Means Committee is delivering on our commitment to hold government accountable.”

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