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Smucker: Biden Budget Doubles Down on Tax-and-Spend Spree, Worsening Americans’ Inflation Pain

April 01, 2022

While American budgets are straining under inflation that accelerated after Democrats’ reckless spending spree, Ways and Means Republican Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) warns in an op-ed that President Biden’s budget calls for even more dangerous spending that will only push prices higher.


In an op-ed for The Hill, Rep. Smucker writes:


Democrats wrongly dismissed inflation:

  • “Democrats try to dismiss inflation as a mere nuisance for Americans who have to cut back on so-called ‘luxuries.’ When my constituents point out that gas is too expensive, Democrats shrug and tell them to buy a Tesla.”
  • The Penn Wharton Budget Model concluded that inflation disproportionately impacts lower income Americans who have to pay an even higher percentage of their income on necessities like food and transportation.”
  • “The latest consumer price index report shows prices for food are up 7.9 percent, gasoline prices recently reached record highs. We need to help the Americans who can’t afford to put gas in their car, let alone buy an expensive new electric car.”


President Biden’s budget calls for more spending that will make inflation worse:

  • “As the saying goes, an organization’s budget is a statement of its values. [W]e can see clearly that this administration puts wasteful, inflationary spending before all else.”
  • “From what we’ve read in Biden’s first two budget proposals, Americans should remain concerned about his dangerous levels of spending, what it means for the future financial health of our nation, and what it means for the future of inflation levels.”
  • “While President Biden and congressional Democrats have tried to move on from their months-long public feud on spending, House Republicans are united in our fundamental principles of working to renew fiscal sanity in Washington through a limited government, pro-growth tax policy, and strengthening our free enterprise system to create opportunities for Americans to live the American Dream. “

CLICK HERE to read the full op-ed.