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Snowe: House Bill Not Within American Mainstream

November 05, 2009

It’s safe to say Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), the only Republican who appears to be entertaining support for the Democratic health reform bills, is no fan of the House legislation.

“I do not know what world they live in,” Snowe said in an interview. “But all I know is it isĀ  totally detached from the average person, the average business owner who is struggling to keep their doors open and to have that level of taxation is breathtaking in its dimensions. I just think it is so out of proportion with reality and with mainstream America that it is hard to believe, frankly.”

On a day when the $1 trillion House bill picked up support from key interest groups — which, in turn, prompted President Barack Obama to make a personal visit to the White House press room to tout the endorsements — Snowe’s words are a reminder of the dissent surrounding the bill.
