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#TaxReformTuesday: Rep. Neal Dunn

October 31, 2017

In this week’s #TaxReformTuesday, Rep. Neal Dunn (R-FL) discusses how a fair and simple tax code will help small businesses thrive and create more jobs here at home. House Republicans are working to lift the burden of today’s outdated tax code and provide Americans with bold, pro-growth tax reform.

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Here’s what Rep. Dunn said:

“Hi, I’m Congressman Neal Dunn and I represent the beautiful 2nd district of Florida – which includes 19 counties in north Florida.

“One of my top priorities in Congress is to cut taxes and grow our economy. As a small business owner, I’ve seen how our cumbersome and outdated tax code is crippling our businesses and costing us jobs. That’s why House Republicans are working hard to pass pro-growth tax reform.

“Our plan cuts taxes for working families and small businesses. It levels the playing field for our workers and truly invests in America. This will help small businesses thrive – ones like C&G Sporting Goods. C&G has been locally owned and operated for more than 65 years and we want to see them succeed for another 100 years. 

“Our fair and simple tax plan will make it easier for hardworking folks like Ronnie to meet his payroll and grow his business and create new jobs.”