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#TaxReformTuesday: Rep. Pat Tiberi

May 23, 2017

In this week’s #TaxReformTuesday, Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)—who also serves as Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee—shares that a simpler tax code will help family-owned Ohio businesses create jobs and invest in their local communities.

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Here’s what Rep. Tiberi said:

“Hi, I’m Congressman Pat Tiberi. I represent Ohio’s 12th District. I’m a member of the Ways and Means Committee and I also serve as the Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee. 

“Everywhere I go I hear from families, local business owners, and manufacturers that our broken tax code is too complex and it doesn’t work for them.

“Just recently, I toured a family-owned and operated manufacturing facility in Central Ohio.

“They told me that the thousands and thousands of pages in our tax code have hurt their ability to invest in their company, create jobs in Ohio, and boost wages for their workers.  And they’ve added a mountain of compliance costs to their budget. 

“That is exactly why we must overhaul and simplify our tax code with reforms designed to unleash economic growth and unlock opportunities here at home.

“That will mean more jobs, higher wages, and a stronger economy for all Americans.

“For years, we’ve talked about comprehensive reform. We’ve listened to why we need reform. And now, the Ways and Means Committee has put the wheels in motion to make it happen. 

“This is truly an historic opportunity and I look forward to continuing our work to get the job done.”