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There Couldn’t Be a Worse Time for Democrats’ Job-Killing Tax Hikes

May 05, 2021

“Raising crippling taxes as we try to recover from this pandemic makes no economic sense,” warned Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) on Special Report on Fox News Channel. “It’s the biggest economic blunder in our lifetime. It lands on working families and will drive U.S. jobs overseas. There couldn’t be a worse time to do this.”

When asked how Republican tax reform compares to Democrats’ socialist spending spree, Rep. Brady responded, “I don’t know that you can compare our tax reform of $1.5 trillion over a decade , to the Democrats’ $6 trillion in a few months. I don’t think there’s any comparison between the two.”

WATCH: Rep. Brady on Special Report: There Couldn’t Be a Worse Time to Raise Taxes on Working Families



  • President Biden inherited a booming economic recovery – Democrats’ tax hikes and socialist agenda will reverse that trend.
  • Unlike Republican tax reform, Democrats’ tax hikes will slash paychecks, send U.S. jobs overseas, and raise prices on consumers.
  • Despite Democrats’ claims, every American will shoulder the burden of Democrats’ tax hikes.