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Top 10 Ways to Get Yourself Surveilled by the IRS

October 21, 2021

Under the guise of closing the “tax gap,” President Biden wants to turn local banks into chapters of the IRS to report on the gross transactions of your personal and business bank account.

Democrats’ IRS surveillance scheme is not about going after high earners and wealthy corporations, but instead is about going after working Americans and Main Street job creators — who Democrats assume are tax cheats.

Worse — Democrats plan to use this invasive measure to pay for massive giveaways to wealthy individuals and special interests in blue states.

READ: Myth vs Fact: Opposing Biden’s Bank Surveillance Scheme

Here are 10 ways that you could find yourself surveilled by the agency:

  1. Sending your child to college. You worked hard, you saved, and now that investment in your child’s future pull you into the IRS dragnet.
  2. Working as a blue-collar worker. If you’re a local contractor, plumber, or hairdresser — or simply don’t get paid on a W2 – you will have your bank accounts monitored.
  3. Taking out a loan to buy equipment. Want to start a new business or invest in your current one? That’ll cost you your privacy.
  4. Sending money or loan money to family members. Have you ever helped a loved one financially who has fallen on tough times? Biden wants the IRS to know.
  5. Providing financial support to elderly parents. Do you help pay household expenses for your elderly parent or grandparent? If so, their account will be swooped up in the IRS surveillance scheme.
  6. Receiving Democrats’ “cash-for-kids” welfare. If you receive the Child Tax Credit payments by paper check — you’ll have your bank account monitored.
  7. Receiving dependent care flexible savings account reimbursements. If you pay for childcare using the Democrat’s beefed up dependent care flexible spending account (FSA), your account will be reported to the IRS.
  8. Taking up a part-time gig as an Uber driver. Do you work hard and make $200 or more on nights and weekends driving for Uber? Gas is expensive but it’s nothing compared to that IRS audit that will be triggered as part of the Biden bank surveillance scheme.
  9. Selling goods at a farmer’s market or Etsy shop. Do you create something or grow something and sell it directly to a consumer? If you did and deposited those dollars into a bank account, you’ll be reported.
  10. Saving for and making a large purchase. Want to buy a new car? Or do some home renovations? Or take your family on a trip to Disney World? Your bank accounts will wind up in a dragnet.


  1. Purchasing groceries for a family of four. With the cost of groceries skyrocketing under Bidenflation – your account will be reported to the IRS even sooner.
  2. Going on Democrats’ expanded unemployment benefits. Ironically enough, if you’ve been receiving Democrats’ overly generous unemployment benefits that have paid you more to stay home than to reconnect to work, you’ll also qualify to have the IRS monitor your account.

FACT CHECK: Biden’s Supercharged IRS Includes Bank Reporting, Hardships for Taxpayers

READ: The Numbers in Biden’s Invasive Tax Gap Plan Don’t Add Up