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Top 5 Reasons to Oppose Democrats’ Paid Leave Plan

November 03, 2021

Democrats rejected an opportunity to work with Republicans, in favor of a paid family and medical leave “solution” that will result in hundreds of billions of dollars spent on another new Washington-run entitlement program rife with mandates that limit choice for families and crush small businesses.


Here are the top five reasons to oppose it:


  1. Democrats’ one-size-fits all plan would make Washington your new family benefits manager. For the first time, Washington cuts out employers from arranging employees’ paid leave by having the Social Security Administration run a family benefits program with no additional worker protections.


  1. No protection for small businesses who can’t afford to lose workers in a national labor shortage. Employees would only have to provide seven-days’ notice to their boss after the need for leave arises. Current law requires 30-days advance notice to give time for employers to adjust their workforce needs. With more than 10 million job openings, supply chain hurdles, and skyrocketing prices, Main Street businesses can’t afford more labor disruption.


  1. Target for fraud. Democrats allow applicants to “self-attest” on the application that they are eligible, opening the door to massive fraud. Self-certification policies in Democrats’ untargeted, emergency pandemic unemployment programs allowed fraudsters to get away with an estimated 400 billion in taxpayer dollars.


  1. Traps Americans in poverty and hooks another generation on government dependency. To qualify for paid leave, a person does not have to be working currently. An individual only needs to have earnings in the quarter prior to submitting their application. Permanent new welfare-without-work entitlement programs like this one prevent Americans from reconnecting to work.


  1. Handouts to wealthy corporations that could lead to Americans losing the paid leave plans they have and like. Democrats would establish a new grant program to pay for 90 percent  of the cost of paid leave for corporations who already pay for the benefit for their workers, transferring liability for existing paid leave plans from employers to taxpayers. Many employers could decide to drop their paid leave benefits plan altogether to avoid red tape and Washington oversight, leaving workers with less choice.