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U.S. Agriculture Groups Support TPA

February 26, 2015
Farmers and ranchers are rallying behind the bipartisan effort to pass trade promotion authority. Foreign demand for U.S. agriculture products is rapidly increasing, but our exports are hitting trade barriers. Passage of TPA would ensure highstandard trade agreements tear down these barriers and increase export opportunities for U.S. agriculture workers.

Here is what agriculture groups had to say:
Export Totals (Billions)

American Farm Bureau

“The American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest general farm organization, urges bipartisan passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation early this year. . . . America’s farmers and ranchers exported over $152 billion in food, fiber, feed and energy commodities and products to customers around the world and provided the United States a positive net trade of $43 billion over imports.”

American Soybean Association

Soybeans are the nation’s leading farm export, and it’s critically important that Congress pass and the President sign a completed TPA package that will lay the groundwork for robust and comprehensive trade agreements.”

National Corn Growers Association

“Modernized TPA improves our nation’s ability to advance trade agreements that open markets for U.S. farmers. Ag exports, at nearly $150 billion, support over one million American jobs.”

National Association of Wheat Growers

“We are pleased to see bipartisan support for trade promotion authority and hope Congress will act quickly to pass this important legislation. Putting TPA in place will create a fast track for negotiations on current and future trade agreements that will benefit U.S. wheat farmers.”

International Dairy Foods Association

“A strong, bipartisan focus on modernizing TPA will have a tremendous, positive impact on the country’s economic growth and job creation. . . . The U.S. dairy industry in particular has the potential to benefit greatly from two trade agreements currently undergoing negotiations.”

National Chicken Council

“Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation must receive prompt passage so that the position of U.S. international trade negotiators is strengthened as they continue to move forward with new agreements.”

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

“The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association urges the renewal of Trade Promotion Authority. . . . the U.S. beef industry could see the elimination of tariff and non-tariff trade barriers that hinder the industry’s ability to meet free market demand for beef in the Pacific Rim.”

National Pork Producers

“The U.S. pork industry is the poster child for expanded
trade. . . . Pork producers and U.S. agriculture are dependent on export markets, so NPPC is going to fight tooth and nail to get TPA passed.”
