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UPDATE: More Questions Answered on the Public Health and Social Service Emergency Fund

April 14, 2020

The CARES Act invested $100 billion into the Public Health and Social Service Emergency Fund for health care providers. Here is an update on those funds.

Key points:

The details:

  • It’s critical these grants go out the door in a transparent and rapid way, especially to the providers on the front-line of the COVID-19 fight.
  • While this distribution system is not perfect, the Administration should be commended for developing a system that delivers support to key health care facilities quickly.
  • Congress will continue to work with the Administration to ensure delivery of subsequent rounds of funding to providers whose revenue mix is less heavily weighted to Medicare fee-for-service.
  • This funding is in addition to the over $63 billion CMS has delivered to the healthcare providers on the frontlines through the expansion of the Accelerated and Advance Payment Program.

If a practice ceased operation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, then is it still eligible to receive funds?

According to guidance from HHS, yes, so long as the provider provided diagnoses, testing, or care for individuals with possible or actual cases of COVID-19. Care does not have to be specific to treating COVID-19. HHS broadly views every patient as a possible case of COVID-19.

CLICK HERE to read more about this fund and find answers to other frequently asked questions for providers.

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.