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USCMA is a Truly Bipartisan Effort

July 01, 2021

Throughout the negotiations of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Republicans and Democrats worked together in good faith to help working families, blue-collar workers, and job creators by advancing trade policies in a bipartisan way.

Both parties agreed to key provisions that modernized the outdated rules governing North American trade in an innovative way that puts American farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and workers on a more level playing field.

READ: USMCA: An Agreement for the 21st Century

USMCA was negotiated and passed with substantial support from both parties, strengthening America’s standing in the region and broadening support for the North American trading relationship. Republicans and Democrats agree that strong enforcement is essential to maintain support for the agreement.

READ: USMCA Means Better Partnership Through Better Enforcement

USMCA should serve as a foundation for future trade agreements and continues a long history of bipartisan support for U.S. leadership on the international stage. As the United States continues to lead, it’s critical for Congress and the White House to build upon the bipartisan success of USMCA by negotiating new pro-worker trade agreements.

READ: USMCA Helps Workers, Farmers, and Manufacturers