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Walorski Applauds Gov. Holcomb’s Decision to End Enhanced Federal Unemployment Benefits

May 17, 2021

Republican Leader of the Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) today released the following statement after Gov. Eric Holcomb announced Indiana will end its participation in federal pandemic unemployment insurance programs:

“Indiana is leading the nation in rebuilding our economy, but businesses are struggling to fill available jobs because of enhanced federal unemployment benefits. I applaud Governor Holcomb’s decision to end these extra payments so we can get more Hoosiers back to work and put our economy in an even stronger position to fully recover. I’m grateful the many local businesses with Help Wanted signs in their windows will no longer have to compete with the federal government for workers.”



  • Last week, Rep. Walorski joined House Republican leaders in sending a letter to governors across the country asking them to help get Americans back to work and our economy back on track.
  • In the letter, Rep. Walorski, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), and Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) urged governors to adopt policies such as return-to-work bonuses that would reconnect unemployed workers with 8.1 million job openings nationwide.
  • Rep. Brady and Rep. Walorski recently introduced the Reopening America by Supporting Workers and Businesses Act, which would allow states to turn enhanced unemployment benefits into a one-time return-to-work bonus of either $1,200 or $600. It would also provide support for reemployment services for laid-off workers and reinstate the federal requirement that those receiving unemployment be engaged in actively searching for a job.


Read the full letter here.



  • Democrats extended federal supplemental unemployment benefits of $300 per week until September 6th as part of their $1.9 trillion spending bill.
  • The American Action Forum estimates nearly 40 percent of workers could make more on unemployment at this level than they would earn by returning to work.
  • At least 16 states have joined the growing list of states opting out of the additional payments.