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Ways and Means Committee Votes to Block IRS Regulations Designed to Put Conservative Groups Out of Business

February 11, 2014

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement after the Committee favorably reported out H.R. 3865, Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2014.

“These rules are a blatant attempt to legalize and institutionalize targeting by the IRS, and are designed to put conservative groups out of business.  It is no wonder the IRS tried to develop this rule behind closed doors and out of the public’s view.  This legislation will put a hold on these proposed rules until Congress completes its investigation into the IRS’s abuses.

“I commend Senators Flake and Roberts who introduced legislation in the Senate to prevent Treasury from implementing these rules.  We need to finish our investigation into the IRS’s abuses and receive the Inspector General’s final report.  This legislation will ensure that Treasury does not rush to put this rule into effect, which it can do as soon as the end of this month, and can process the over 23,000 public comments already received.”
