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What America’s Job Creators are Saying About Passage of the Free Trade Agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea

October 14, 2011

“These free trade agreements will further open important markets for Chrysler, Ford and GM exports, and protect American jobs.  Our companies can make the best cars and trucks on the road and we are excited for the opportunities these agreements represent.”
American Automotive Policy Council

“Congress and the administration have now given us the opportunity to improve our competitive position in these markets. The economic growth generated from the agreements will improve our economy and create jobs here at home.”
American Farm Bureau Federation

“American workers will benefit from the level playing field these agreements create for U.S. goods and services in these growing markets.  Expansion of international trade opportunities is critical to U.S. economic growth and to getting our economy back on track.”
Business Roundtable

“Today’s vote is a tremendous step forward, and sends the message that the United States can, and will, compete in the global marketplace.”
Coalition of Service Industries

“This is an historic step forward for the U.S. and our economy, as America has now made great strides in re-establishing its commitment to open trade, global markets and leadership on high-standard trade agreements.”
The Dow Chemical Company

“Today’s action by the Senate and House to pass these agreements is a big step toward creating much-needed jobs as we reach new markets…Passage of these agreements puts us back on the road to faster export growth and boosts our ability to compete.”
National Association of Manufacturers

“Passage of the three FTAs is an important step for the American economy during a period when we badly need to speed up exports of manufactured goods, farm products and services as a basis for growth, as well as for our relationships with three important allies”
Progressive Economy

“The agreements will increase access to growing markets for exports and will help promote a trade agenda that can ultimately boost exports of semiconductors and other technology products.”
Semiconductor Industry Association

“Passing these trade agreements represents a victory for American workers, American competitiveness, and American leadership.  It means we will immediately stop losing jobs to our competitors who have cut their own deals and we can start creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs for Americans.”
U.S. Chamber of Commerce