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White House Health Proposal Claims

February 24, 2010

The White House has made numerous claims about its latest health care proposal, which islargely based on the Senate Democrats’ health care bill. Those assertions, however, are contradicted by the analysis of that legislation by thenon-partisan and independent Congressional Budget Office, Joint Committee onTaxation and the Office of the Actuary at the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Below is a list of some of the major myths being spread by the White House:

Myth #1: Insurance premiums will decrease

White House says: 

But the facts say: 

  • “CBO and JCT estimate that the average premium per person covered (including dependents) for new nongroup policies would be about 10 percent to 13 percent higher in 2016 than the average premium for nongroup coverage in that same year under current law.”

Myth #2: If you like the coverage you have, you can keep it

White House says: 

But the facts say:

Myth #3:  Seniors’ Medicare benefits are protected

White House says:

But the facts say:

Myth #4: Many small businesses will receive tax breaks

White House says:

  • “Third, many small businesses will be able to get a tax credit to help cover the cost of the coverage they offer.”
  • “Your business taxes will not go up. Instead, you may be eligible for new tax credits to help offset the cost of covering your employees.”

But the facts say:

Myth #5: Health spending is capped for every American

White House says:

But the facts say:

  • Only subsidy-eligible individuals would have their premiums and cost-sharing capped as a percentage of income.  According to CBO, 90% of Americans would not be eligible for subsidies in 2016 and will not have limits on how much they will have to pay to receive health care coverage.

Myth #6: Those without access to employer-provided health coverage will get tax credits topurchase coverage on their own

White House says: 

But the facts say:

  • CBO says that a little more than half the individuals purchasing health insurance on their own will be eligible for these subsidies in 2016.    

Myth #7:  Tens of millions of Americans will receive a tax credit to purchase health care

White House says:

But the facts say:

