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W&M APPROVED: Bills to Further Expand Health Care Options for Americans

May 24, 2017

Today, the Ways and Means Committee advanced three pieces of legislation to improve access to affordable, quality health care: 

  • The VETERAN Act (H.R. 2372), sponsored by Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX): The legislation puts into law an existing regulation that ensures veterans who are not already enrolled in and receiving health insurance through the Veterans Administration have help to purchase coverage on the individual insurance market. 
  • The Broader Options for Americans Act (H.R. 2579), sponsored by Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Pat Tiberi (R-OH): The legislation expands options for certain Americans who have lost their jobs by allowing them to access the American Health Care Act’s tax credits. Additionally, it ensures that Americans in similar circumstances who work at churches or other houses of worship can access these tax credits. 
  • The Verify First Act (H.R. 2581), sponsored by Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA): The legislation protects taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud, and abuse and tightens verification requirements to ensure the subsidies under current law and tax credits under the American Health Care Act aren’t dispensed until the legal status of an eligible recipient is verified.

As Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said at the start of the markup: 

“As we have said throughout this effort, repealing and replacing Obamacare must be done through a step by step process.

“With the House passage of the American Health Care Act, we are well on our way to providing Americans with relief from Obamacare and a 21st century health care system that puts patients and families in control—not Washington. 

“As the Senate now considers the AHCA, we are pushing forward on a parallel track to advance legislation that protects and expands Americans’ access to patient-centered care … These are important solutions that will expand access to care for the American people and safeguard taxpayer dollars.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about today’s markup. 

CLICK HERE to read the Chairman’s full remarks from today’s markup.