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Ways & Means History

The Committee on Ways and Means, the oldest tax-writing body in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1789, shapes fiscal legislation including taxes, tariffs, and social service programs. Its notable influence is underscored by numerous members who have risen to prominent national offices, including Presidents and Supreme Court Justices.

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February 7, 2025

Chairman Smith Condemns IRS’s Illegal Retaliation Against Whistleblowers, Demands Answers from Remaining IRS Leadership

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Top Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials issued illegal gag orders and retaliated against two whistleblowers – IRS Supervisory…

February 7, 2025

Smith: Biden Economy Was Worse than Anyone Thought, Republicans Are Helping America’s Job Creators and Workers 

“We must take action quickly in one, big beautiful bill to create jobs that support families and ignite the second…

February 6, 2025

Work & Welfare Chairman LaHood Opening Statement – Hearing on Prosecuting Fraudsters for Stealing Billions in Unemployment Benefits

As prepared for delivery.  “Thank you all for joining us for the first Work and Welfare Subcommittee hearing of the…

February 4, 2025

Trump Administration Closes the Door on China Skirting U.S. Tariffs Through De Minimis Shipments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Thanks to President Trump’s recent action on tariffs, China will no longer be eligible to avoid U.S….

February 3, 2025

Permanently Extending Trump Tax Cuts Will Unleash Billions In Investment To Revitalize America’s Poor & Rural Neighborhoods

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Permanently extending the Trump tax cuts would be a lifeline for some of America’s poorest and most rural…

February 1, 2025

Smith: President Trump’s Tariffs Show He Is Keeping His Promise to Protect America’s Communities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after the Trump Administration announced…

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act unleashed economic opportunity for our families, farmers, and businesses.

Working with Chairman @RepJasonSmith and my @WaysandMeansGOP colleagues, we will cut taxes, fight inflation, and rebuild our economy so that every American can succeed.

The IRS acted without Congressional authorization and created a new tax program out of thin air -- appointing the IRS as tax preparer, filer, and auditor.

The American people did not ask for this.

In Tennessee, 99.5% of businesses are small businesses. They are the bedrock of our local economy.

With Republican majorities in the House & Senate, I look forward to working with my colleagues on @WaysandMeansGOP & @RealDonaldTrump to advance pro-growth tax policies that…

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WATCH: The Biden-Harris Administration’s plan to let the Trump tax cuts expire would result in the largest tax hike in U.S. history.

Ways & Means Republican Tax Teams have held over 120 events across 20 states to hear ideas for how Congress can take action to protect families, workers, and small businesses from the Biden-Harris tax hike.

Under the Biden-Harris Administration, Americans are struggling.

If Democrats get their way and the Trump tax cuts expire, EVERY American will be hit with a tax hike, one they cannot afford.

In August, the Ways and Means Committee traveled to the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa to hear from working Americans about how to build on the success of pro-growth and pro-worker tax policy. ...

Excessive Washington red tape forces state child welfare programs to spend more time on paperwork instead of helping children.

In fact, these rules do NOTHING to increase accountability or outcomes for how these programs perform, as one witness testified today.

Relatives are an important source of care for kids who can’t live with their parents.

Too often, these caregivers are overlooked and don’t get the support they need.

One kinship provider shared that she faced an “uphill battle” getting help for her sister.

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