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Obamacare is Collapsing. House Republicans Are Moving Forward with a #BetterWay

February 17, 2017

President Obama’s failing health care law continues to collapse before our very eyes. Earlier this week, another major insurer, Humana, announced its departure from all of Obamacare’s marketplaces in 2018. That’s in addition to insurers like Aetna and UnitedHealth that have already fled the scene in certain states, leaving many Americans with few—if any—places to turn for their health care coverage.

Just add Humana’s exit to the list of Obamacare’s damaging failures

  • Skyrocketing costs: Premiums have gone up by an average of 25 percent this year.
  • Dwindling choices: Nearly 1/3 of all U.S. counties have only one insurer offering plans on their state’s exchange.
  • More taxes: Families and job creators have faced $1 trillion in new taxes.
  • A new class of uninsured Americans: Those who pay the penalty because they can’t afford Obamacare’s plans, and those who are forced to buy plans with sky-high deductibles, hindering their ability to actually receive care.  

This list of failures is causing real pain for real people:

“I don’t qualify for a subsidy. Plus, I help to pay a portion for those who do qualify for a subsidy. I am a working individual who happens to be self-employed … What were my 2017 options? None I would have ever picked … None of my existing doctors are in network. No coverage out of network. — Ruth S., Arizona

“My wife had a breast diagnosis scare that required a biopsy followed by a lumpectomy and numerous doctor visits and mass confusion between healthcare providers every step of the way. We have spent $24K this year for the poorest quality healthcare in our 40+ years of adulthood and if I need attention we will quickly hit $30K before the … insurance pays a dime.” — Geryk T., Texas

“Despite Obama’s promises, my plan was canceled at an affordable $450 a month when Obamacare was implemented. My new plan has gone up every year and for 2017 will be over $1,300 a month. My husband and I cannot keep up with these increases. Soon it will be a choice between food and housing or health care.” — Virginia Q., Florida  

That’s why House Republicans are taking action to rescue Americans from Obamacare’s collapsing insurance marketplace.

In June, we unveiled A Better Way for Health Care Reform, our plan to repeal and replace Obamacare with reforms that lower costs, improve quality, and expand health care options.

Now, Members are working to turn the solutions laid out in A Better Way into legislation. On the Ways and Means Committee, we will advance policies that:

  • Deliver relief from the Obamacare taxes and mandates that have hurt job creators, increased premium costs, and limited options for patients and health care providers.
  • Eliminate the individual and employer mandate penalties, which forced millions of workers, families, and job creators into expensive, inadequate Obamacare plans that they don’t want and cannot afford.
  • Empower individuals and families to spend their health care dollars the way they want and need—not the way Washington prescribes—by enhancing and expanding Health Savings Accounts.
  • Provide all Americans—especially those Obamacare left behind—access to portable, monthly tax credits that they can use to buy a health insurance plan that’s right for them—not one tied to a job or a government-mandated program.

 to read more about House Republicans’ health care plan, A Better Way for Health Care Reform.

CLICK HERE to read more about the solutions Ways and Means Republicans are working to deliver.

CLICK HERE to watch a video of W&M Members speaking out about their constituents who have been hurt by Obamacare.

CLICK HERE to read how Obamacare’s failures impacted Americans across the country.