During his first Joint Address last night, President Trump called on Congress to “act decisively” to rescue Americans from Obamacare’s collapse. After highlighting how our broken health care system is failing the American people, the President outlined his principles for legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare, pointing out:
“We should help Americans purchase their own coverage, through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts—but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by the Government.”
House Republicans are working on legislation now that will do exactly that.
As Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) has said about our plan:
“Critical to restoring the free market in insurance is to make sure that Americans have greater control of their health savings accounts. That they’re bigger and more flexible. Also, [we are discussing] individual tax credits so Americans who don’t get health care at work, don’t get it from a government program like Medicare or the VA, can still have the option of choosing a plan that’s personalized to their needs. That can travel with them throughout their lifetime, that’s adjusted for age because costs go up as you grow, adjusted to your family, as well. And can be used in plans that states approve.”
This month, the Ways and Means Committee will move forward with legislation to not only repeal Obamacare but replace it with the reforms President Trump laid out last night, including:
- Enhancing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) by empowering individuals and families to spend their health care dollars the way they want and need—not the way Washington prescribes. For example, our proposal increases the amount of money an individual or family can put into their HSA and allows individuals and families to spend money from their HSA on “over-the-counter” health care items.
- Providing all Americans access to portable, monthly tax credits that they can use to buy a health insurance plan that’s right for them—not one tied to a job or a government-mandated program. The credits—which are advanceable and refundable—are based on age, so as individuals’ health needs evolve over time, so will their monthly, portable tax credit. The credits can travel with them from job to job, state to state, home to start a business or raise a family, and even into retirement.
We all agree Obamacare is failing Americans and must be repealed and replaced. As President Trump said last night, “action is not a choice—it is a necessity.” House Republicans heard our President’s message loud and clear and are taking action this month to provide relief and deliver the lower costs, higher quality, and expanded health care options Americans deserve.
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s full statement on the President’s Joint Address.
CLICK HERE to read more about House Republicans’ health care plan, A Better Way for Health Care Reform.
CLICK HERE to read more about the solutions Ways and Means Republicans are working to deliver.
CLICK HERE to watch a video of W&M Members speaking out about their constituents who have been hurt by Obamacare.
CLICK HERE to read how Obamacare’s failures impacted Americans across the country.