Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today joined Rick Santelli on CNBC’s “Squawk Alley” to discuss the House Republican pro-growth tax reform Blueprint.
CLICK the image above to watch the interview.
On ending the uncompetitive “Made in America” tax, Chairman Brady said:
“Look, your viewers succeed because they know what their competitors are doing. So do we. We know what China, Germany, Canada, Mexico are doing. They’re beating us on rates. They’re beating us on no longer taxing worldwide. They’re beating us on border adjustability. So we’re going straight at them. In the world today, because this isn’t the ’80s where rates alone will do it, we have to go bolder than that.
“And the border adjustment tax has big benefits. One, it simplifies the international tax code. It levels the playing field here in the U.S. between foreign products and U.S.-made products. It eliminates any tax incentive to move jobs and manufacturing overseas … It re-establishes us for that new business investment. And yes, it helps us lower that business rate dramatically.”
CLICK HERE to learn more about the House Republican tax reform Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to learn more about ending the “Made in America” tax.