Exactly six months ago, President Trump signed tax reform into law. And today, America’s workers, families, and businesses are back to firing on all cylinders. With a roaring economy, Americans are no longer asking “where are the jobs?” Instead, employers are asking “where are the workers?”
In addition to new jobs, more than four million Americans have seen bonuses, added benefits, and wage increases, and more than 87 million people in 48 states have seen a reduction in their utility bills. It’s only six months in, and all of this good news is just the beginning. There is real momentum in the economy––and the best is yet to come.
Marking this checkpoint of tax reform, Chairman Brady discussed the effects it’s had on the economy, but more importantly on hardworking Americans across the country.
On Wednesday, at the Republican Leadership Press Conference, Chairman Brady shared the story of an encounter he recently had with a business owner. “I was in New England the other day visiting with a medical company that has had three breakthrough medicines and working on its fourth. And their CEO said, ‘look, this new tax code has changed everything: our research won’t be done in London, it will be done in the United States. Our patents won’t be located in Ireland, they’ll be back here in America. And if we can find the workers, the advanced manufacturing of our products will be done here in New England.’ We’re seeing this all throughout the country, so there’s new hope and there’s new opportunity. And we’re going to continue, as the Speaker said, every year,” said Chairman Brady.
Later that day, Chairman Brady was joined by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons at an event on the six-month anniversary of tax reform becoming law. Chairman Brady shared some of the positive effects that tax reform has already had on our economy. He said “In the six months since we reformed the tax code… Wages for families are growing at the fastest pace in a decade. Consumer confidence is out of the roof. Home sales and home prices have risen at the fastest pace in five years and the number of Americans planning on buying a new home in the next six months is at the highest record ever.”
The reality is, six months later, the GOP tax cuts are producing real gains for the American people. Where is the proof? Click here to catch up on the good news and read more about exactly how our economy is moving forward thanks to tax reform. There is still more to do, but America is back at the front of the pack and Republicans intend to keep it that way.
Click here to read Chairman Brady’s op-ed in the Wall Street Journal from this morning.
And below, catch Chairman Brady dive deeper into these exciting results: