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The Way Forward on Health Care: Using Technology to Deliver Quality Care

November 12, 2020

Ways and Means Republicans recently released a framework for the future of health care. Our central idea is that a successful health care plan can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution that only focuses on the individual market. We need practical solutions to expand access, offer more choices, lower costs, and find new cures for all Americans – seniors, young people, those who are employed, unemployed, sick, or healthy.

Part of this multi-pronged approach is using technology to deliver high quality, clinically appropriate care to Medicare beneficiaries.

Last month, the Trump Administration continued its expansion of telehealth as a tool for patients and providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ways and Means Republicans would make permanent many of these increased flexibilities while ensuring rigorous monitoring and stewardship of taxpayer dollars.

Telehealth expansion is an important part of Ways and Means GOP’s multi-pronged health care approach. Read more about it here.