Ways and Means Republicans recently released a framework for the future of health care. Our central idea is that a successful health care plan can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution that only focuses on the individual market. We need practical solutions to expand access, offer more choices, lower costs, and find new cures for all Americans – seniors, young people, those who are employed, unemployed, sick, or healthy.
Part of this multi-pronged approach is planning for future medical crises — like those posed by antimicrobial resistance — by investing in American-made cures now.
November 18 through 24 is Antibiotic Awareness Week— a time to recognize the threat “super bugs” pose to public health and to focus on legislative solutions. Encouraging more private funding for cures to prevent a future public health crisis is an important part of Ways and Means GOP’s multi-pronged health care approach. Read more about those efforts here and here.