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The White House Is In Denial About Their Crippling Tax Increases and Runaway Spending

June 17, 2021

Ahead of Secretary Yellen’s testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Fox Business today to discuss President Biden’s “American Jobs Plan” – which includes crippling tax increases that will land on working families and Main Street business, and sabotage our economic recovery.

In a conversation with Stuart Varney on Varney & Co., Rep. Brady said:


“The President insists on crippling tax increases in the infrastructure package which the public opposes – the majority of Americans oppose – and you’re going to see even further soaring of hiring and more stagnant paychecks. The President is sabotaging the economic recovery with crippling tax increases and anti-business policies.”



CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.




Working Families and Main Street Businesses Will Shoulder Biden’s Crippling Tax Increases.



READ: The Last Thing American Families and Small Businesses Need is Democrats’ Crippling Tax Increase


It’s time for Democrats’ emergency spending and endless government checks to end.


  • While prices for consumers spiked 5 percent – the fastest spike since the summer of 2008 – Americans are seeing wages slashed.
  • The majority of job creators can’t compete with government checks to fill job openings.


READ: The ’70s Called, And It Wants Its Economy Back


Biden’s Global Tax Surrender Puts Foreign Companies and Workers Ahead of American Companies and Workers.


  • The Biden Administration knows that $6 trillion in tax hikes will send jobs fleeing overseas.

  • Biden’s tax hikes make it better to be a foreign company or foreign worker than an American company or an American worker. Instead of sending jobs elsewhere, Biden should be protecting American workers and jobs.


READ: Explainer: President Biden’s Global Tax Hike Is Not a Victory for America, but a Surrender