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Day Three Wrap-Up: Dems Defend Killing Cures, Handouts for Wealthy & Corporations

September 15, 2021

On the third day of Ways and Means Committee work on their $3 trillion tax hikes and spending package, Democrats defended handouts for the wealthy and special interests while refusing to invest in health research or protecting life-saving cures.

CLICK HERE for a summary of the amendments Democrats rejected on Day Two.

CLICK HERE for a summary of the amendments Democrats rejected on Day One.

On Day Three, this is what Democrats did:

Democrats stood with the wealthy and special interests to defend wasteful tax breaks paid for by the Middle Class. The tax breaks they defended include…

  • …subsidizing special tax credits for the highest earners and big businesses and failing to secure the future of telehealth. Watch Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) offer the “Bipartisan Connect” amendment.

Democrats also rejected Republicans’ efforts to safeguard working Americans from tax hikes and government overreach. Democrats defended…

Democrats prolonged Americans’ suffering from chronic illness and costly care because they…

  • …widened health care disparities for minority and underserved communities who are disproportionately affected by chronic medical conditions by imposing price controls that would kill life-saving cures and treatments. Watch Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) offer the amendment.
  • …chose to do nothing to address the root causes of the rising cost of health care rather than support affordable health care reforms. Watch Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) offer the “Help for Medical Bills” amendment.
  • …will import foreign nations’ dehumanizing valuation of seniors’ lives by negotiating prices for drugs based on what other nations think seniors’ lives are worth. Watch Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) offer the “Protecting the Value of Seniors’ Lives” amendment.

And finally, Democrats may add even more tax increases on the Middle Class and small businesses to pay for handouts to special interests, the wealthy, and large corporations after the bill leaves committee by…

  • …leaving the door open to raising taxes after they complete work in committee – opening the tax code to unprecedented partisan changes. Watch Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) offer an amendment defending Ways and Means jurisdiction over tax policy.

Further Background:

BRADY: Never Has Our Government Wasted So Much to Kill So Many American Jobs

Democrats’ Crippling $3 Trillion Tax Hike on Working Families and Small Biz Kills Jobs and Cures

REP. ADRIAN SMITH: Dems Unwind Benefits of TCJA to Pay for Washington Spending

Brady Fact Checks Dems’ False Claims on Their Crippling Tax Hikes

Brady: With Dems’ Tax Hikes, Foreign Competitors Will Clean Our Clock

Fact Check: Dems Subsidize Millionaires, Attack Main Street & Ordinary Americans