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Fourth of July Prices Explode Like Fireworks

July 03, 2022

This Independence Day is set to be the most expensive in the holiday’s history as prices explode and Biden-Flation burns holes in Americans’ pockets.

Americans can’t afford to travel after Democrats’ War on Energy sent energy prices skyrocketing.

  • Americans are paying the highest gas prices in Independence Day history, with prices at the pump bottle rocketing up 55 percent higher than last year. 
  • According to AAA, plane tickets are up 14 percent and hotel reservations are up 23 percent, compared to last year.

Higher food costs take a bite out of BBQ budgets.

  • This year, Americans’ cookouts will cost at least 17 percent more than last year, when the White House bragged that Americans were saving 16 cents.
  • Two pounds of ground beef will cost roughly $11.12, up 36 percent from last year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. The cost of chicken and pork chops are also up more than 30 percent.

Explosive shipping costs send fireworks’ prices through the roof.

  • According to the American Pyrotechnics Association, overall costs are up more than 35 percent.
  • As reported by USA Today, “importing product costs about $45,000 per shipping container today compared with $8,000 to $10,000 in 2019.”